I'm a digital marketer based on Chicago, IL. I'm all about fashion, wellness, great spots and being everyone's source on how to upgrade our life through experiences and products.


Imagine a lawyer-turned-social media virtuoso thriving in Chicago! That's me—transitioning from law to the dynamic realm of social media marketing. I specialize in marketing, branding, digital creativity, PR, and fashion!

My journey spans law, academic research, impactful activism, and B2B marketing, refining a diverse skill set. Guiding teams, nurturing client relations, and excelling as a social media manager define my expertise. Within this spectrum, I've crafted compelling content, showcased adept social media management, and achieved remarkable outcomes.

My diverse background has garnered acclaim from high-end brands, achieving a remarkable 700% growth in engagement and fostering a robust brand image through digital channels.

In need of a digital marketing maestro? I offer strategic planning, content mastery, PR finesse, SEO expertise, and a knack for captivating writing—setting brands apart. Let's craft a narrative that propels your brand's success to new heights!


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Social media content

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Copywriting, industry blogging, recruitment marketing

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I specialize in managing diverse marketing needs, from crafting cohesive brand images to executing comprehensive digital strategies. My expertise includes project management and addressing various requirements that arise in brand development.

I excel in unifying brand identities, ensuring alignment with the brand's vision and goals. With a strategic approach, I navigate brand complexities, adapting swiftly to market changes.

My focus on comprehensive brand and marketing management aims to elevate brands to their highest potential, ensuring lasting impact and resonance in their markets


I specialize in crafting engaging content and offering a wide spectrum of services. My expertise covers platform-specific strategies for TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook, maximizing brand visibility.

From creating brand-specific content to managing content calendars, supervising influencers, and developing tailored digital strategies, I cater to specific brand needs- This empowers brands to forge deeper connections with their audience.

Leveraging my role as a content creator, I share professional content with my broad follower base, amplifying brand visibility.

Seeking to elevate your brand and deeply engage your audience? I'm here to help!

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With over three years of professional marketing expertise, I've ​curated a personal brand and a trusted community known for ​seeking premium experiences.

My diverse background in law, research, activism, and B2B ​marketing enriches my approach to marketing services, ​spanning from branding to content creation and SEO. Moreover, ​I specialize in skillfully managing diverse branding needs. This ​includes strategizing and crafting a cohesive brand image, ​ensuring seamless alignment in every aspect. I oversee project ​management, devise comprehensive digital strategies, and ​address various brand requirements that may arise along the ​brand's journey.

My approach is founded on a caring relationship with audiences, ​ensuring that only the highest quality content is shared - Let's ​collaborate to elevate your brand's distinction!

Let's work together!

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David Panqueva